How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Through Transportation.

1. Drive less
Driving a car is a major source of greenhouse gasses. Cutting down on the miles you drive is one of the best things you can do for reducing carbon emissions. Organize shopping trips to get more done on each outing, walk or bike when distances are shorter, and use public transportation as much as possible.
  1. 2. Go easy on the acceleration and brakes

    How much you drive is not the only factor to consider. Acceleration burns more fuel, so applying the brakes and speeding up is less fuel efficient than maintaining a smooth, even speed.

    3. Regularly service your car and keep tires properly inflated

    When your car runs efficiently, it uses less energy. Clean oil and belts and timing gears that are perfectly adjusted will help you get the most out of every gallon of fuel. Also, when properly inflated, tires require less energy to achieve and maintain speed while driving. If the pressure is too low, your car is sluggish and burns more gasoline than necessary.

    4. Carpool

    Sharing a ride to work every day or going shopping can reduce your carbon footprint by about 2,000 pounds of CO2e every year.

    5. Use cruise control

    You may not realize how much your speed varies when you are driving. We tend to speed up in certain conditions and slow down in others. Using cruise control allows your car’s computer to accelerate smoothly and carefully maintain an even speed.

    6. Cut down on air conditioning

    Cut usage of the most power-intensive appliance in your car. Running your air conditioning less frequently or raising the temperature so that your system does not work as hard will reduce your carbon footprint.

    7. Consider purchasing a hybrid or electric vehicle

    It is easy to tell people to drive less, but that might not be possible in your situation. Driving an electric vehicle and doing your electric car charging at home can help eliminate the greenhouse gasses that your conventional car produces. Not all homes are wired for an electric car charging station. Rewiring may be expensive. Another option is to find an electric car charging station and power up there.
